I have just finished out day three and I'm ready to turn out the lights. It should be Friday... Why isn't it Friday? This Inferno program is kicking my trash. I feel tired and grumpy today and I'm having some serious sweet tooth issues. Chocolate usually makes everything better but I refuse to give up. I've got three weeks baby and I'm going all the way. I will not crack! (I do get a cheat meal though and I'm looking forward to that!)
My husband and three year old have had awful stomach pains and bathroom issues for the past two days and that has not been any fun. It makes me appreciate our general good health. I really don't deal very well with things like this. It's hard for me to keep a smile on my face and stay positive... I'm really not the most compassionate person by nature and it's something I have to work on.
I'm also missing a "best friend." You know, one of those girls that you just feel super close to and can call and talk to about anything, show up at their house unannounced with kids in tow and just chill all afternoon, someone that will take your kids at a moments notice and not even care, someone to watch sappy movies with and go out to lunch with you just because... I miss my old city and my old friends.... I had a few of those there. I have yet to establish one of those relationships back here in my hometown. Most of my friends from high school have moved on and aren't around here anymore or else we're just not close anymore. I do have some great family relationships though for which I am truly thankful, but friends have always been very important to me and I'm not sure why I feel I'm lacking. I need to make a better effort I guess. My best friend from my youth moved to Pennsylvania a while back and is coming for a month long visit... I'm so stink'n excited I could cry! She is like a favorite old pair of shoes you haven't worn in forever, and then when you put them on... it's like home. We may not see each other or talk to each other in months, but when we do... I love it! I seriously can't wait.