She's here! My little girl arrived on Monday, May 16th at 12:59am missing her due date by one hour. That's okay though. Close enough! She was 8lb 4oz and 19 1/4 inches long with a 14in head. I really wasn't expecting her to be that big. I only gained about 13lbs from my first checkup to my last so I've only got like 2lb to go until I'm back to pre preggo weight! Woohoo! Though I look like it's a lot more :) I feel so soft and squishy but I'm totally okay with it. Besides being sore and having tons of tight muscles I feel pretty good. I did have an emotional melt down yesterday though. Part of the post-partum stuff I guess. I sent my two oldest girls to my sisters house for the night and after they left, I cried and cried. Like the ugly cry stuff. My poor hubby. I got a good nights rest though after moving the babies bed into my room (I guess she really likes me :) and I feel pretty good again today. I'm thankful that all went so well with her birth and I thank the Lord for my beautiful family and for the body that I have that allowes me to bare children and be a mother.

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