I ordered my next workout program yesterday! I get to start next Monday and I couldn't be more excited! I was looking at pictures from last summer and I'm missing my old body. I told my husband that and he lovingly said, "you just had a baby." What a nice guy :) So I'm going to do Beach Body's program, Brazil Butt Lift. I thought that would be a good place to start seeing how that seems to be the first place we ladies like to put on weight.
Since I had my little angel, I was going to take two weeks off and just eat whatever I felt like eating. Well that two weeks turned into five and I think I've gained more weight this month than I did my last month of pregnancy :( So yesterday I said enough was enough and I'm recommitted to eating healthy. No processed foods, white flour, refined sugar or sugar subs. I'm missing how good it made me feel to eat right! I did read though that a lack of sleep will increase your cravings for sugar. That totally explains it! So next week I'll report with my beginning weights, measurements, BF% and pictures. Uggg....
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Leah Kelly
She's here! My little girl arrived on Monday, May 16th at 12:59am missing her due date by one hour. That's okay though. Close enough! She was 8lb 4oz and 19 1/4 inches long with a 14in head. I really wasn't expecting her to be that big. I only gained about 13lbs from my first checkup to my last so I've only got like 2lb to go until I'm back to pre preggo weight! Woohoo! Though I look like it's a lot more :) I feel so soft and squishy but I'm totally okay with it. Besides being sore and having tons of tight muscles I feel pretty good. I did have an emotional melt down yesterday though. Part of the post-partum stuff I guess. I sent my two oldest girls to my sisters house for the night and after they left, I cried and cried. Like the ugly cry stuff. My poor hubby. I got a good nights rest though after moving the babies bed into my room (I guess she really likes me :) and I feel pretty good again today. I'm thankful that all went so well with her birth and I thank the Lord for my beautiful family and for the body that I have that allowes me to bare children and be a mother.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Almost there....
Wow. So I only have 4 days left until my due date. That kinna scares me. There are so many things that I don't feel prepared for, mostly just being a mother of three. I feel I struggle with two, now I'm adding one more to the mix. I know that God will help me if I only ask and stay close to him. I just want to be a good, kind, and loving mother more than anything. I want to have a good relationship with each of my children and I want them to know that I love them regardless of life's choices.
I'm looking forward to meeting my new little girl and having the blessing of knowing her. I'm looking forward to finding a new normal for my life and moving past this pregnancy. It hasn't been all bad, but it's not fun either. I'm looking forward to getting back into shape and summer so I can wear a swim suit and go water skiing :) Wish me luck! Next time I post I should have a picture or two of a baby to go with it. Yay!
I'm looking forward to meeting my new little girl and having the blessing of knowing her. I'm looking forward to finding a new normal for my life and moving past this pregnancy. It hasn't been all bad, but it's not fun either. I'm looking forward to getting back into shape and summer so I can wear a swim suit and go water skiing :) Wish me luck! Next time I post I should have a picture or two of a baby to go with it. Yay!
Monday, April 18, 2011
36 Weeks
I am totally counting down.... I can't wait to meet my new little one and get my body back :) I've been a little sickly these past few days and it's not even fun. It should be against the rules to be sick and pregnant at the same time. I've got a serious sinus infection with the headaches, runny nose/stuffiness, swollen glands and cold sores to top it off. This too shall pass :)
About two weeks ago I thought my baby was trying to come. I had regular contractions for about 6 hours. I would lay down and they would slow but not go away. It was a little scary. I have no desire to give birth in a hospital and deal with all that stuff, so luckily it passed and I'm good. I've got to make it at least one more week maybe two and I have got to say I would not even mind if I gave birth at least a few days early. I'm not sure it's going to happen though. I've got a lot to do on my list though as far as nesting stuff goes... Washing windows, mopping floors, shampooing carpets... So she can wait. As uncomfortable as I am, it is easier to care for her where she is.
I haven't been working out at all lately. With the 'scare' I had and being busy with things like being a hostess mom for Jr. Miss, I just haven't had it in me to do much beside an occasional walk. I'm just not going to worry too much about it. It won't be long and I can hit the weights again :) Yay!
About two weeks ago I thought my baby was trying to come. I had regular contractions for about 6 hours. I would lay down and they would slow but not go away. It was a little scary. I have no desire to give birth in a hospital and deal with all that stuff, so luckily it passed and I'm good. I've got to make it at least one more week maybe two and I have got to say I would not even mind if I gave birth at least a few days early. I'm not sure it's going to happen though. I've got a lot to do on my list though as far as nesting stuff goes... Washing windows, mopping floors, shampooing carpets... So she can wait. As uncomfortable as I am, it is easier to care for her where she is.
I haven't been working out at all lately. With the 'scare' I had and being busy with things like being a hostess mom for Jr. Miss, I just haven't had it in me to do much beside an occasional walk. I'm just not going to worry too much about it. It won't be long and I can hit the weights again :) Yay!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Here I am at 32 weeks. Only 8 more to go... Crazy. It feels like forever at times, mostly when I can hardly walk due to sciatic nerve issues that I've been having. It hurts like crazy! My whole right butt cheek gets this shooting pain and I can hardly walk/move. Other than that, I'm really feeling pretty well.
About a week and a half ago we got to do the whole daylight savings thing and it has totally thrown me off. I haven't been working out much and I think that contributes to my nerve issue. I just had the thought today that if I have 8 weeks left and gain about 5 pounds, pretty much all of that will go to my belly. That's really quite a bit of added weight for my back, especially if I don't keep it in shape. Now is not the time to slack!
About a week and a half ago we got to do the whole daylight savings thing and it has totally thrown me off. I haven't been working out much and I think that contributes to my nerve issue. I just had the thought today that if I have 8 weeks left and gain about 5 pounds, pretty much all of that will go to my belly. That's really quite a bit of added weight for my back, especially if I don't keep it in shape. Now is not the time to slack!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Some Perspective...
I have this blog that I love to follow called Trey and Lucy. This mom is seriously so cute with her little kids and all the cute crafts that she makes. I just read her most recent post here and thought... "Wow. You need to stop complaining and be grateful for what you have." I really am so blessed with good health and a healthy little family and I may have a rough first trimester, but my rough is not this rough. I apologize for my whining....
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Third Trimester
I am now in my 28th week of this pregnancy and I'm at the beginning of my third trimester. It's crazy. I can't workout like I want to anymore. My body just won't let me and I guess it's better to be safe then sorry. I was just toning down my turbofire workouts for a while but even that just seems to be too much. I might make it past the warm-ups and then I start to have contractions so I guess I'll have to give it up :( It's really been hard on me. I watch my husband doing to workouts and pushing himself to his limits and it makes me want to cry. I want to do that too! I'm still lifting weights and doing yoga so I guess I'll just have to settle for walking on the other days. Just 4 1/2 more months... (with recovery time.)
I had a prenatal apt. with my midwife yesterday. I've gained about 10 or 11 lbs. so far with 12 weeks left, which for me feels like I am on track. I plan to gain anywhere from 6 to 8 pounds in that time. It really is so hard to watch the scale climb in numbers, but I have to remind myself that it is necessary for both the health of the baby and my own health. I regularly hear people tell me that I need to gain more weight and eat more. Seriously,.... I eat I ton. But when it's healthy food and you're physically active, I think that our bodies will do what they need to do.
Everything else went fairly well except I've got a few issues that need clearing up and fast. I have parasites, a fungal skin infection and yeast. Gag. So I am very strictly on a No Sugar, No White Flour diet. There is sugar in seriously everything! I was already doing fairly well with that with a few cheats here and there but no more cheating until this junk is gone. Yeast just feeds off that stuff! It makes it easier to fight those desires to eat junk knowing that my body needs to heal itself, especially before this baby gets here. I don't want to pass anything on to her if I haven't already. It's amazing how fast our bodies can dump all the crap if we just give it the right tools.
I still haven't taken any pictures of myself. I just don't want to.
I had a prenatal apt. with my midwife yesterday. I've gained about 10 or 11 lbs. so far with 12 weeks left, which for me feels like I am on track. I plan to gain anywhere from 6 to 8 pounds in that time. It really is so hard to watch the scale climb in numbers, but I have to remind myself that it is necessary for both the health of the baby and my own health. I regularly hear people tell me that I need to gain more weight and eat more. Seriously,.... I eat I ton. But when it's healthy food and you're physically active, I think that our bodies will do what they need to do.
Everything else went fairly well except I've got a few issues that need clearing up and fast. I have parasites, a fungal skin infection and yeast. Gag. So I am very strictly on a No Sugar, No White Flour diet. There is sugar in seriously everything! I was already doing fairly well with that with a few cheats here and there but no more cheating until this junk is gone. Yeast just feeds off that stuff! It makes it easier to fight those desires to eat junk knowing that my body needs to heal itself, especially before this baby gets here. I don't want to pass anything on to her if I haven't already. It's amazing how fast our bodies can dump all the crap if we just give it the right tools.
I still haven't taken any pictures of myself. I just don't want to.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Baby Girl #3
Once again, things are different than I thought they would be. We made our trip to Boise to find out what to plan for and suprise... It's another girl. It's going to be crazy around our house with four females. My poor husband, he's seriously outnumbered. Everything looked great though. She appears to be healthy and on track with growth charts and such. At least we won't have the added expense of buying boy things, hu? So I've been doing well with my workouts. I did have a scare after my last post where I was spotting for a day and a half, but I think it had to do with some alone time between my man and me more than anything. I had lifted weights the day before and pushed myself a little more than I should have, so I've backed off a little with the amount that I squat and lung with and have done more cardio.
I've been almost three weeks without sugar or white flour, well I guess I can't say compleatly without white flour... I've eaten at my mom-in-laws a few times this week and she made lasagna and tortalini soup, both with white pasta, and I had two sugar cookies (with organic cane sugar) that had white flour. That's it! I'm actually very proud of myself :) I'm almost 6 months pregnant and I feel like I still look good and my husband thinks the same thing. It's so empowering for me. I can't wait to see what I can do with myself after this baby :) It has been a great journey and I've learned so much about me and about my health. I've really enjoyed it. I'll post a pic soon of my pregnant progress. Maybe even in a swim suit...
I've been almost three weeks without sugar or white flour, well I guess I can't say compleatly without white flour... I've eaten at my mom-in-laws a few times this week and she made lasagna and tortalini soup, both with white pasta, and I had two sugar cookies (with organic cane sugar) that had white flour. That's it! I'm actually very proud of myself :) I'm almost 6 months pregnant and I feel like I still look good and my husband thinks the same thing. It's so empowering for me. I can't wait to see what I can do with myself after this baby :) It has been a great journey and I've learned so much about me and about my health. I've really enjoyed it. I'll post a pic soon of my pregnant progress. Maybe even in a swim suit...
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