Friday, May 28, 2010

Struggle Inside My Head

I've had a rough week this week. It started Sunday when I very stupidly made a 1/2 batch of my very favorite cookies... oatmeal raisin. They are the best ever! I had given myself one day to have a small treat and it worked great until I let that get the best of me. I do so much better if I make something that is a one-serving-and-it's-gone kinda thing... anyway, I ended up eating 7 cookies in only 1 hour. I couldn't seem to help myself. Then Monday I only had one (which was good) and ended up giving the rest away or else my husband ate them/took them to work. I haven't been recording my food intake very well this week either. I found a website called where you can record everything you eat and it will figure all the numbers for you and give you the % if things like fats, proteins, carbs, etc. and if you go over the recommended daily allowance the numbers turn this really ugly bright shade of red. It totally messes with my mind. Take sugar for example... the program has told me every day that I'm over the RDA but I didn't even eat any refined sugar. It was things like apples, honey, banana's etc. so it doesn't take into consideration what kind of sugar it was which to me is the most important part. I don't know why it got me down so much but it really did. I've still been eating pretty well for the most part but I feel like I'm constantly thinking about food and having to battle with myself to not eat it or make it or buy it. It's really been frustrating.
So I've been thinking about why this week has been so hard and I think that it's because we finished our workout program, Chalean Extreme, on Sat. and since then I don't feel like I have a goal in mind. (I've still been working out though :)I need to just take a breather and find a new program that I want to do and get some real goals pinned down. Chalean Johnson has a new program coming out next month (I think) called Turbo Fire that I want to do. I think that would make it much easier to feel there is a purpose in what I'm doing and have some goals to work toward. I'm not even sure what my Body Fat% is. I think if I find that out I can get a number to work toward. I don't want to lose any more weight so that's not something I can gauge and inches lost really don't work very well either.
I haven't felt a whole lot of support lately either. My husband has cut back on his treat consumption but not as much as I think he should so he really isn't that helpful in talking me out of making or eating treats. Like tonight I suggested making rice crispy treats and he encouraged me and helped me make them... then I had a small piece and said that wasn't satisfying at all so he told me I should make a smore... and I had been wanting to all along. So I did. Blah... He should read my post about Support :) Love that man! Then I've also have several people tell me that I look really thin and that I need to be careful, like I'm not... "So how much do you think you need to lose? What do you weight now? 115?" Me: "No, I'm still in a healthy weight range." Them: "Are you sure? You are pretty tall you know." I think too many people don't understand the concept of becoming leaner and tighter. Muscle weighs more than fat and it takes up a lot less space. Also, I had the thought- How many people would come up to an over-weight individual and say, "So how much do you think you need to gain?" What are you now? 300? You really should stop eating so much and be careful." Right... Like any sensitive person is going to say that. So why is it okay to say that to someone who is working toward a goal of being physically fit.
*sigh* It's been a rough week. Here's to getting it back together and being mentally strong.

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